Business Services
Business Registration
If you have already started earning income as a business or have a plan to start one, I can assist you with filing appropriate paperwork in the state of Maryland and obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN). With this paperwork, you can open a bank account and explore a variety of financing and credit options for your business.
Non-Profit Organization Registration
I can assist you with filing the appropriate paperwork for your non-profit organization in the state of Maryland as well as expedited filing with the IRS to obtain 501(c)3 status with the federal government.
Business Writing
I can assist in writing business plans, grants, resumes, CVs, reports, presentations, brochures, and website content for your business. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your writing needs to receive a price quote and service proposal agreement.
Our Values.
We value financial independence, cycling wealth through under-served communities, and promoting business savvy and financial literacy as a means to create freedoms for everyday, working people.